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impress.js, HTML 프레젠테이션 플러그인


웹 브라우저 상에서 동작하는 HTML 프레젠테이션 플러그인

각 요소를 3D 공간의 객체로 생각하고, CSS3 transform과 transition 속성을 사용하여

독특한 프레젠테이션을 구성할 수 있다.


사용자는 마우스나 키보드를 사용하여 프레젠테이션을 조작할 수 있다.

impress.js는 오픈소스로 제공되어 있고, 모든 최신 브라우저에서 동작한다.


예시페이지를 확인해보자.



impress.js | presentation tool based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers | by Bartek Szopka @bart

Your browser doesn't support the features required by impress.js, so you are presented with a simplified version of this presentation. For the best experience please use the latest Chrome, Safari or Firefox browser.



예시코드, 필요할경우 수정해서 사용한다.




<!DOCTYPE html>
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a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
article, aside, canvas, details, embed,
figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup,
menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,
time, mark, audio, video {
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/* 이전 브라우저의 HTML5 디스플레이 역할 재설정 */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure,
footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
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body {
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ol, ul {
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blockquote, q {
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blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after {
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/*배경에서 기본 글꼴과 좋은 기울기를 설정*/
body {
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    min-height: 740px;

    background: white;


/*텍스트 스타일*/
b, strong { font-weight: bold }
i, em { font-style: italic }

a {
    color: inherit;
    text-decoration: none;
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    -o-transition:      0.5s;
    transition:         0.5s;

a:focus {
    background: rgba(255,255,255,1);
    text-shadow: -1px -1px 2px rgba(100,100,100,0.5);

/*지원하지 않는 브라우저를 사용하는 사용자에게 폴백 메시지를 표시*/
.fallback-message {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    line-height: 1.3;

    width: 780px;
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    margin: 20px auto;

    border: 1px solid #E4C652;
    border-radius: 10px;
    background: #EEDC94;

.fallback-message p {
    margin-bottom: 10px;

.impress-supported .fallback-message {
    display: none;

/*프레젠테이션 단계의 스타일*/
.step {
    position: relative;
    width: 900px;
    padding: 40px;
    margin: 20px auto;

    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
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    box-sizing:         border-box;

    font-family: 'PT Serif', georgia, serif;
    font-size: 48px;
    line-height: 1.5;

/*기본적으로 우리는 마진을 제거하고 비활성 단계를 조금 투명하게 */
.impress-enabled .step {
    margin: 0;
    opacity: 0.3;

    -webkit-transition: opacity 1s;
    -moz-transition:    opacity 1s;
    -ms-transition:     opacity 1s;
    -o-transition:      opacity 1s;
    transition:         opacity 1s;

.impress-enabled .step.active { opacity: 1 }

    이러한 '슬라이드' 단계 스타일은 HTML5 슬라이드에서 크게 영감을 받음
.slide {
    display: block;

    width: 900px;
    height: 700px;
    padding: 40px 60px;

    background-color: white;
    border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
    border-radius: 10px;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

    color: rgb(102, 102, 102);
    text-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

    font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 30px;
    line-height: 36px;
    letter-spacing: -1px;

.slide q {
    display: block;
    font-size: 50px;
    line-height: 72px;

    margin-top: 100px;

.slide q strong {
    white-space: nowrap;

Z 축과 함께 3D 위치
#title {
    padding: 0;

#title .try {
    font-size: 64px;
    position: absolute;
    top: -0.5em;
    left: 1.5em;

    -webkit-transform: translateZ(20px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(20px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(20px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(20px);
    transform:         translateZ(20px);

#title h1 {
    font-size: 190px;

    -webkit-transform: translateZ(50px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(50px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(50px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(50px);
    transform:         translateZ(50px);

#title .footnote {
    font-size: 32px;

 텍스트 스타일링 big
#big {
    width: 600px;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 60px;
    line-height: 1;

#big b {
    display: block;
    font-size: 250px;
    line-height: 250px;

#big .thoughts {
    font-size: 90px;
    line-height: 150px;

 텍스트 스타일링 tiny
#tiny {
    width: 500px;
    text-align: center;

   애니메이션 텍스트
#ing { width: 500px }

#ing b {
    display: inline-block;
    -webkit-transition: 0.5s;
    -moz-transition:    0.5s;
    -ms-transition:     0.5s;
    -o-transition:      0.5s;
    transition:         0.5s;

#ing.present .positioning {
    -webkit-transform: translateY(-10px);
    -moz-transform:    translateY(-10px);
    -ms-transform:     translateY(-10px);
    -o-transform:      translateY(-10px);
    transform:         translateY(-10px);

#ing.present .rotating {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(-10deg);
    -moz-transform:    rotate(-10deg);
    -ms-transform:     rotate(-10deg);
    -o-transform:      rotate(-10deg);
    transform:         rotate(-10deg);

    -webkit-transition-delay: 0.25s;
    -moz-transition-delay:    0.25s;
    -ms-transition-delay:     0.25s;
    -o-transition-delay:      0.25s;
    transition-delay:         0.25s;

#ing.present .scaling {
    -webkit-transform: scale(0.7);
    -moz-transform:    scale(0.7);
    -ms-transform:     scale(0.7);
    -o-transform:      scale(0.7);
    transform:         scale(0.7);

    -webkit-transition-delay: 0.5s;
    -moz-transition-delay:    0.5s;
    -ms-transition-delay:     0.5s;
    -o-transition-delay:      0.5s;
    transition-delay:         0.5s;

#imagination {
    width: 600px;

#imagination .imagination {
    font-size: 78px;

#source {
    width: 700px;
    padding-bottom: 300px;
    background-position: bottom right;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

#source q {
    font-size: 60px;

 3D 타이포그래피
#its-in-3d p {
    -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
    -moz-transform-style:    preserve-3d; /* Y U need this Firefox?! */
    -ms-transform-style:     preserve-3d;
    -o-transform-style:      preserve-3d;
    transform-style:         preserve-3d;

Z축을 따라 개별적으로 배치하고 전환
#its-in-3d span,
#its-in-3d b {
    display: inline-block;
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(40px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(40px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(40px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(40px);
     transform:        translateZ(40px);

    -webkit-transition: 0.5s;
    -moz-transition:    0.5s;
    -ms-transition:     0.5s;
    -o-transition:      0.5s;
    transition:         0.5s;

#its-in-3d .have {
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(-40px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(-40px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(-40px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(-40px);
    transform:         translateZ(-40px);

#its-in-3d .you {
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(20px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(20px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(20px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(20px);
    transform:         translateZ(20px);

#its-in-3d .noticed {
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(-40px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(-40px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(-40px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(-40px);
    transform:         translateZ(-40px);

#its-in-3d .its {
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(60px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(60px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(60px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(60px);
    transform:         translateZ(60px);

#its-in-3d .in {
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(-10px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(-10px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(-10px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(-10px);
    transform:         translateZ(-10px);

#its-in-3d .footnote {
    font-size: 32px;

    -webkit-transform: translateZ(-10px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(-10px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(-10px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(-10px);
    transform:         translateZ(-10px);

#its-in-3d.present span,
#its-in-3d.present b {
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(0px);
    -moz-transform:    translateZ(0px);
    -ms-transform:     translateZ(0px);
    -o-transform:      translateZ(0px);
    transform:         translateZ(0px);

개요 표시되지 않도록
#overview { display: none }

포인터 커서를 제공
.impress-on-overview .step {
    opacity: 1;
    cursor: pointer;

.hint {
       프레젠테이션이 시작될 때까지 또는 지원하지 않는 브라우저에서 힌트를 숨김
    display: none;
    position: fixed;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 200px;

    background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
    color: #EEE;
    text-align: center;

    font-size: 50px;
    padding: 20px;

    z-index: 100;
    opacity: 0;

    -webkit-transform: translateY(400px);
    -moz-transform:    translateY(400px);
    -ms-transform:     translateY(400px);
    -o-transform:      translateY(400px);
    transform:         translateY(400px);

   페이드 아웃하고 이동
    -webkit-transition: opacity 1s, -webkit-transform 0.5s 1s;
    -moz-transition:    opacity 1s,    -moz-transform 0.5s 1s;
    -ms-transition:     opacity 1s,     -ms-transform 0.5s 1s;
    -o-transition:      opacity 1s,      -o-transform 0.5s 1s;
    transition:         opacity 1s,         transform 0.5s 1s;

   프레젠테이션이 초기화될 때 힌트를 '활성화'
.impress-enabled .hint { display: block }

 첫 번째 단계(ID가 'bored'인 경우)가 활성화되면 표시
.impress-on-bored .hint {
  투명도를 제거하고 힌트를 기본 고정 상태로
    opacity: 1;

    -webkit-transform: translateY(0px);
    -moz-transform:    translateY(0px);
    -ms-transform:     translateY(0px);
    -o-transform:      translateY(0px);
    transform:         translateY(0px);

  4.5초 지연 후 먼저 변환 속성을 애니메이션화하여 힌트를 이동합니다
그것의 정확한 위치로 그리고 그 후에 우리는 그것을 불투명하게 
    -webkit-transition: opacity 1s 5s, -webkit-transform 0.5s 4.5s;
    -moz-transition:    opacity 1s 5s,    -moz-transform 0.5s 4.5s;
    -ms-transition:     opacity 1s 5s,     -ms-transform 0.5s 4.5s;
    -o-transition:      opacity 1s 5s,      -o-transform 0.5s 4.5s;
    transition:         opacity 1s 5s,         transform 0.5s 4.5s;

때때로 요소가 3D로 배치됩니다(특히 요소가 뒤로 이동될 때)
Z축을 따라)는 클릭할 수 없습니다. 이는 <본체> 뒤에 있기 때문입니다
이를 방지하기 위해 설정을 통해 <본체>를 클릭할 수 없도록 하기로 했습니다
.impress-enabled          { pointer-events: none }
.impress-enabled #impress { pointer-events: auto }

    <div id="impress">
        <div id="bored" class="step slide" data-x="-1000" data-y="-1500">
            <q>Aren’t you just <b>bored</b> with all those slides-based presentations?</q>
        <div class="step slide" data-x="0" data-y="-1500">
            <q>Don’t you think that presentations given <strong>in modern browsers</strong> shouldn’t <strong>copy the limits</strong> of ‘classic’ slide decks?</q>
        <div class="step slide" data-x="1000" data-y="-1500">
            <q>Would you like to <strong>impress your audience</strong> with <strong>stunning visualization</strong> of your talk?</q>
        <div id="title" class="step" data-x="0" data-y="0" data-scale="4">
            <span class="try">then you should try</span>
            <span class="footnote"><sup>*</sup> no rhyme intended</span>
        <div id="its" class="step" data-x="850" data-y="3000" data-rotate="90" data-scale="5">
            <p>It’s a <strong>presentation tool</strong> <br/>
            inspired by the idea behind <a href="http://prezi.com">prezi.com</a> <br/>
            and based on the <strong>power of CSS3 transforms and transitions</strong> in modern browsers.</p>
        <div id="big" class="step" data-x="3500" data-y="2100" data-rotate="180" data-scale="6">
            <p>visualize your <b>big</b> <span class="thoughts">thoughts</span></p>
        <div id="tiny" class="step" data-x="2825" data-y="2325" data-z="-3000" data-rotate="300" data-scale="1">
            <p>and <b>tiny</b> ideas</p>
        <div id="ing" class="step" data-x="3500" data-y="-850" data-rotate="270" data-scale="6">
            <p>by <b class="positioning">positioning</b>, <b class="rotating">rotating</b> and <b class="scaling">scaling</b> them on an infinite canvas</p>
        <div id="imagination" class="step" data-x="6700" data-y="-300" data-scale="6">
            <p>the only <b>limit</b> is your <b class="imagination">imagination</b></p>
        <div id="source" class="step" data-x="6300" data-y="2000" data-rotate="20" data-scale="4">
            <p>want to know more?</p>
            <q><a href="http://github.com/bartaz/impress.js">use the source</a>, Luke!</q>
        <div id="one-more-thing" class="step" data-x="6000" data-y="4000" data-scale="2">
            <p>one more thing...</p>
        <div id="its-in-3d" class="step" data-x="6200" data-y="4300" data-z="-100" data-rotate-x="-40" data-rotate-y="10" data-scale="2">
            <p><span class="have">have</span> <span class="you">you</span> <span class="noticed">noticed</span> <span class="its">it’s</span> <span class="in">in</span> <b>3D<sup>*</sup></b>?</p>
            <span class="footnote">* beat that, prezi ;)</span>
        <div id="overview" class="step" data-x="3000" data-y="1500" data-scale="10">
    <div class="hint">
        <p>Use a spacebar or arrow keys to navigate</p>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/impress.js/0.5.3/impress.min.js"></script>
    if ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) { 
    document.querySelector(".hint").innerHTML = "<p>Tap on the left or right to navigate</p>";