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명사 美 비격식 (무리 중에서) 아주 뛰어난[눈에 띄는] 사람[것]


오로라 그라데이션 javascript code



jquery 연결

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.js" integrity="sha256-H+K7U5CnXl1h5ywQfKtSj8PCmoN9aaq30gDh27Xc0jk="crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


원하는영역을 잡는다.

    body {padding: 0px; margin: 0px;}
    .gradient {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100vh;
      padding: 0px;
      margin: 0px;



<div class="gradient"></div>



스크립트 추가, 끝. color는 rgb값으로 자유롭게 변경한다.


    var colors = new Array(
      [62, 35, 255],
      [60, 255, 60],
      [255, 35, 98],
      [45, 175, 230],
      [255, 0, 255],
      [255, 128, 0]);

    var step = 0;
    //color table indices for: 
    // current color left
    // next color left
    // current color right
    // next color right
    var colorIndices = [0, 1, 2, 3];

    //transition speed
    var gradientSpeed = 0.002;

    function updateGradient() {

      if ($ === undefined) return;

      var c0_0 = colors[colorIndices[0]];
      var c0_1 = colors[colorIndices[1]];
      var c1_0 = colors[colorIndices[2]];
      var c1_1 = colors[colorIndices[3]];

      var istep = 1 - step;
      var r1 = Math.round(istep * c0_0[0] + step * c0_1[0]);
      var g1 = Math.round(istep * c0_0[1] + step * c0_1[1]);
      var b1 = Math.round(istep * c0_0[2] + step * c0_1[2]);
      var color1 = "rgb(" + r1 + "," + g1 + "," + b1 + ")";

      var r2 = Math.round(istep * c1_0[0] + step * c1_1[0]);
      var g2 = Math.round(istep * c1_0[1] + step * c1_1[1]);
      var b2 = Math.round(istep * c1_0[2] + step * c1_1[2]);
      var color2 = "rgb(" + r2 + "," + g2 + "," + b2 + ")";

        background: "-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(" + color1 + "), to(" + color2 + "))"
        background: "-moz-linear-gradient(left, " + color1 + " 0%, " + color2 + " 100%)"

      step += gradientSpeed;
      if (step >= 1) {
        step %= 1;
        colorIndices[0] = colorIndices[1];
        colorIndices[2] = colorIndices[3];

        //pick two new target color indices
        //do not pick the same as the current one
        colorIndices[1] = (colorIndices[1] + Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * (colors.length - 1))) % colors.length;
        colorIndices[3] = (colorIndices[3] + Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * (colors.length - 1))) % colors.length;


    setInterval(updateGradient, 10);